Unfortunately, despite extensive regulations, truck wrecks are a regular occurrence that have plagued Texas and the good people of Fort Worth for decades. Whether it is because a truck driver is being working too many hours, not sleeping, under the influence, or distracted, the consequences of the truck wreck can be catastrophic and life-changing for the people hit by them.

Our Firm is here for you. Mr. Nwoha got his start as a personal injury attorney by litigating high-stakes truck wrecks. And it is from experience that he says, when it comes to Truck Wrecks, experience matters! Having handled and litigated dozens of high-stakes truck wrecks and bringing multiple millions in settlements for clients with significant injuries, Mr. Nwoha has the experience and the track record to get you results. 

777 Main St., Suite 600 | Suite 600 | Fort Worth, Texas 76102

P: (469) 320-1339 | F: (469) 277-8873

Copyright @ 2020 – 2024

Personal Injury Law | Fort Worth, Texas

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